Is it acceptable for me to return to blogging after constantly promising that I'd devote more time to it but then not posting anything for 3 months? Unfortunately, life got in the way again.
I've generally kept this to myself since it started, but now seems like the perfect time to get it off my chest.
Monday, 5 August 2013
Saturday, 18 May 2013
Top 3: Musicals

I suppose I've always loved a good show, and as soon as they make a film adaptation I fall in love with it, simply because I can watch and appreciate it whenever I please. Not every adaptation can live...
Saturday, 4 May 2013
Live Below The Line 2013
So, as usual, this blog post comes with an introductory apology for my lack of posts. It's been a busy however-long-it's-been but now I do have things to share.
Some of you may be aware of the Enough Food IF Campaign - a campaign backed by over 150 charities to mark 2013 as the beginning of the end...
Friday, 12 April 2013
Top 3: Chick Flicks that are so bad that they're good.

I'm not normally into fluffy pink things and princess dresses, but I can never hate a chick flick. Somewhere deep inside there is a little girl who wants a prince to help me out of a jam etc. And although...
Tuesday, 2 April 2013
Top 3: (mini)series

I've veered off the specific 'film reviewing' thing today to bring you my opinions on brilliant British telly. This is a mix of series/miniseries that I have thoroughly enjoyed over the years. I had the...
Thursday, 14 March 2013
Top 3: Comic book films

It's not a proper-proper-genre, but I had a hard time choosing films so I've gone with really specific categories to ensure that all the best ones get a mention...
Wednesday, 13 March 2013
Apologies 2.0
{Bearing in mind that hardly anyone reads this any way so I'm only really apologising to Hannah, my number 1 fan and the person who has pressurised me into continuing with the blog posts (thanks for that, by the way, HanHan)...}
So, my Restless review is still hidden away in draft along with a review...
Sunday, 10 February 2013
At Christmas time I was completely inspired to write and write and write. In fact, I had so many ideas saved into draft that I could have posted something every day until July. But then reality caught up with me. *queue violins*
January was a tough month for me. I hate to sound whiny, but EXAMS ARE...