Monday, 24 December 2012

Fiona's week in film #1

My first term of 6th form is now over (finally!) and I've watched lots of films this week to celebrate that fact. The great thing about the last week of term is that normally we watch films and eat biscuits instead of actually doing work, so as well as a brilliant staff pantomime this year we watched some pretty good films, too!

...wasn't particularly interesting, as we were still "doing work", but when I got home and grabbed my Dad's iPad and starting watching "Cambridge Spies" (2003). "Cambridge Spies" is a four part BBC drama about 4 of the Cambridge Spies who, like, became spies and stuff... You get the gist. I only had time to watch Episode 1, but it was quite enjoyable, and had all the good elements of a BBC drama: humour, some sort of heart breaking romance, seriousness and SUSPENSE. I'll make an effort to watch the other episodes some time soon, it's worth watching just for the cast and the pretty Cambridge scenery (although, there will probably be less of that as the series goes on... *sad face*).

...In French we watched "10 Things I Hate About You" (1999), because, obviously, it's very relevant to French AS. It's one of those films that you can't not love; Heath Ledger and Joseph Gordon-Levitt are adorable and most teenage girls cannot resist a romcom with good looking actors in it (I speak with experience). The only possible bone I have to pick with it is that it's based on "The Taming of the Shrew" and some things just don't seem right to me. I mean, obviously it's been modernised but Kat Stratford was not tamed much at all, was she? It was too romantic to be true to the original story. I don't know if that's the point but it bugged me a bit. Oh, but I did blub a bit at the poem. THE POEM.


...I watched "Wisdom of Crocodiles" (1998) at home. Nothing particularly special, it was a bit hard to follow at first - which may be because I was half asleep whilst watching it - but I'm into those kinds of psychological thriller films that can creep you out and make you think without the horror element in it too. Jude Law, who plays the main character, wasn't too bad, but overall the film can only be described as OK and little more.

...In French we watched an actual French film, "L'arnacoeur" (Heartbreaker). I'd already seen it before by the recommendation of my film maestro and fabulous French partner, Sophie, so I already knew that I was going to enjoy it. We ate the film with cloudy apple juice, lemonade, cakes, biscuits and cherry loaf and laughed at the utter cheesiness which oozed out of every pore possible throughout. The soundtrack is particularly uplifting, and (as a big fan of Dirty Dancing) I approved of shirtless dancing and fluffy romance, as well as witty humour throughout. Je l'aime.

On top of that, in General Studies the majority of our year - bar the unfortunate people who take Critical Thinking - got to watch The History Boys "because of the famous quote about general studies". Having not watched the whole film the whole way through before, I was very excited to finally see it. Despite it being hard to watch due to a bunch of unenthusiastic chatterboxes sitting behind us, I thoroughly enjoyed the 40 minutes we got to watch. As soon as I got home I watched it 'till the end, and honestly cried because the ending lacked Dakin/Irwin sexy time. Dominic Cooper is great at the whole charming sleazeball thing, so I'm glad that I share the name of his girlfriend/friend with benefits. And Stephen Campbell Moore is wow. I just loved his character so much.

...We watched the second half of L'arnacoeur and swooned over Romain Duris' dancing. A great way to spend the last lesson of the term.
I also managed to watch the first 10 minutes of "The Holiday" (2006), which is one of my favourite Christmas films - I still consider it to be a Christmas film despite it's lack of Christmassy content. It's got Jude Law in it, who can complain? It's sad to think that I have had an Iris crisis (yes, I just made up that term) in my life so far, and possibly still am. When Kate Winslet cries over a guy, you want to cry with her, although not necessarily for her guy this time. I'm a big fan of Rufus Sewell but he's a lot more charming without the curly mop thing. If you haven't seen it, see it. You'll want a Mr Napkinhead in your life, too.

...I watched "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" for old times' sake. Unfortunately noticed how ridiculously bad the younger cast members were (except Tom Felton. He wasn't too bad, probably because he'd been in two films prior to Harry Potter). But, of course, my inner Potterhead didn't care. Wingardium leviOsah.
The other film I managed to watch was a film called "Never Let Me Go" which was fascinating. I do adore Carey Mulligan, and Andrew Garfield with his English accent does make me giddy. Then Keira Knightley is there too. It's got a really interesting plot, and the beautiful images throughout the film made it pleasant to watch even though the story is somewhat dark.

...I don't know what I was thinking. I just thought "Oh, that Jeremy Irvine is a cutie, I need more of him in my life." and decided to put "Now is Good" on. I'd had a long day, dropping my brother off for a squash course in Coventry, wheeling my Nan around M&S in the panicked Christmas shopping crowd, the busiest shift at McDonalds I've ever had (and apparently the restaurant had ever had, too). I'd already watched the Homeland finale, which was HELL. It just started off so happy and beautiful and ended HORRIBLY (the story, not the episode, Homeland is always flawless, no matter what). I was a mess, mentally. So I whacked on the film thinking that Irvine's face would cheer me up.
I've read the book that the film is based on, and loved it even though some of the content in the book was like WOAH GIRL CALM YO'SELF. The film was much more appropriate, but it completely broke my heart. It wasn't necessarily the best film in the world, but it's one of those films that requires some chocolate and a humongous box of tissues to be handy. The story is about a 17 year old girl who has suffered from leukaemia and decides to stop treatment and live the rest of her short life to the max. I didn't expect much from Dakota Fanning considering she's American *shudders* but she pulled off the accent, so I couldn't really fault her performance. She wasn't quite who I'd pictured playing Tessa, but she didn't do a bad job, so I shan't complain. I absolutely fell in love with Adam (Irvine), and you just have to watch it to understand why. He's just utterly perfect. A girl's dream. My dream...
To me, though, the chap who plays Tessa's daddy, Paddy Considine, deserved the biggest pat on the back. He's really great, he managed to shine brighter than most in the film and I just wanted to hug him by the end of it. If I could see him through my tears.


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