Monday, 24 December 2012

New project!

Hello, reader, and Merry Christmas.

Over the past few weeks I've been on a little stressful roller coaster as I've had to balance a lot of things on my flimsy paper plate. Unfortunately, writing reviews fell off said plate, and I don't want this to carry on. I've been involved in a few small internet-y projects over the past few months that have been a bit of a disappointment, so I want to do something in which I don't have to rely on anyone else for a while, although I may need help along the way.

My idea is that once a week, I'll post a list of films that I've watched with mini reviews and pictures etc. alongside any reviews that I post. This will be done on Sundays/Mondays (ideally). I used to try and watch a film a day, but I've had so much work to do that it isn't possible any more, so I'll bung TV episodes and specials in the pot too, just to spice things up a bit. I'll be re-watching many things too, just because I enjoyed them so much.

It would be awfully nice if people would help me out by recommending films and series to watch, too!

That's all for now, I'll be posting my first one later on tonight!

{P.S. It doesn't feel like it's Christmas tomorrow, does it?}

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  1. If only for your BFF watch Gossip Girl :P

    1. Oh please don't put me through that XD
      Possibly one day I'll watch a few episodes.
      Want to give me a better recommendation? :')
